Learn more about how French absolutism crafts a king as a virtual god on Earth. So, the witches and the supernatural are further elements of this play that would both confirm his fears and reassure him in his sense of the world. James also published a treatise on witchcraft, arguing that demonic forces sought to depose God’s kings. The chaos, madness, and disorder that results from Macbeth’s killing of King Duncan supports this same ideology, perhaps signaling Shakespeare’s own sense that regicide was a crime against the human, natural, and divine orders. It shows the evil nature and the futility of rebellion against God’s “anointed king.” As Stephen Greenblatt comments, to James, regicide “was close to the ultimate crime, a demonic assault not simply on an individual and a community but on the fundamental order of the universe.” So, Macbeth speaks to James’ fears of assassination, but it also reassures them. (Image: James VI of Scotland/Public domain) For James, an assault on the king was the worst thing that a subject could do. King James wrote a tract on the Divine Right of Kings.

Just the year before, James narrowly escaped assassination when Guy Fawkes, a Catholic rebel, attempted to blow up the entire Parliament including the king.

Now, the play Macbeth most likely appeared in the year 1606, just a few years into James’s reign.
This is a transcript from the video series How to Read and Understand Shakespeare. But Macbeth is adamant-“I will be satisfied” he insists-and so they show him a line of kings, and the last one in the line is holding a mirror in his hand. Similarly, when Macbeth comes to the witches to demand knowledge of his fate and he asks them, “shall Banquo’s issue ever / Reign in this kingdom?”, the witches caution him, “Seek to know no more”. So, when the witches tell Banquo that “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none,” they are predicting the long reign of Banquo’s line all the way to James himself. Indeed, Banquo was historically an ancestor of James. He becomes James I of England, but his Scottish heritage was always a part of him. (Image: Henry Fuseli/Public domain) The Political Background to MacbethĮlizabeth I, the only monarch Shakespeare had ever known, dies in 1603, to be replaced by her cousin, James VI, who was king of Scotland. The prophecies of the three witches lead Macbeth onward to his doom, while he feels that he is gaining wisdom. But the tragedy develops from an inability to attain knowledge. Macbeth has at its heart the act of regicide, the killing of a king. Conner, Ph.D., Washington and Lee University Macbeth continues Shakespeare’s fascination with the politics of his own time.